Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm addicted to sugar

CHECK OUT PICTURES by clicking on "i'm addicted to sugar" title!

Thailand is so sweet. The children are affectionate, whether they're creating me drawings with hearts and houses and cats, hugging me (4 at a time and I fall over!), or just smiling and greeting me with "Good Morn-ning Teacha" even if it's afternoon. Today I taught 5 classes and it was exhausting! I taught an extra afterschool community English class but it was full mostly of kids from school who wanted more! Their favorite activity was learning 'thank you' and 'you're welcome' because i let one throw my book on the ground and another kid picked it up to say the phrases! They love noise...anything with rhythm or music seems to be popular. Musical letters is another game I like to use with the alphabet. Today I used some MJ (as a sort of tribute haha) and they kids pass the A B C letters in a circle. When the sounds of "Thriller" silenced, they had to each say their letter. This is harder than it sounds when one has simply memorized ABCD and doesn't actually know what an F is out of sequence. Nonetheless, I hope improvements are bountiful! The only problem is that Thais never go to school. Being a teacher is so casual here. I walked into Pratom 1 (my 6-7 yr olds) to pick up their homework and the teacher was asleep...on a bed in the classroom! Often times teachers are smoking or just hanging out in the lounge rather than teaching. School is never scheduled! For example, tomorrow is Friday, but it's the start of a 5 day Thai holiday to celebrate the rainy season so we don't teach until next Thursday. A full week. I'm convinced they'll forget everything....

Thailand is also sweet for its food/drink. I can't get enough fresh pineapple, mango, and coconut (pickable from outside my house!). I also drink that crazy sugary coffee and other refreshing fruit drinks whenever they are handed to me. Ahh love it!

Side note: I drove the truck today. Wrong side of road is fun. America seems so off. We should totally use the metric system and join the rest of the world!
Side SIDE note: I'm learning to ride a motorcycle. Riding is the most FREE I've ever felt. soo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. we should drive ATVs across West Virginia

    be careful what you're handed to drink..

    they used to use ivory chopsticks because ivory turns black in the presence of certain poisons, but poisons aren't the drugs i'm referring to

    * sketchy *
