I also have another blog that is for LE Thailand. Since this is a pilot program, we are writing about every aspect of our pre, during, and post teaching experiences-including critiques and suggestions for improvement. We will post about our program director, Daniel (who I am in awe of already...), our country coordinator Supa( a wonderfully warm Thai woman), the service project we hope to establish(conversational English mentorship), and the process of teaching.
Here's a sample of what I wrote about me and LE Thailand for the main page at: http://lethailandpilot.wordpress.com/
Deven is a nineteen year old worshipper of Nick Kristof and Endangered Species Dark Chocolate. She's a government major at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., with a probable minor in African studies...or something else. Deven likes running, baking peanut butter brownies, volunteering, and reading-especially about international development and religion and Africa. She thinks she is mildly South Asian and knows how to dance Giddha (a Punjabi dance) and loves Indian desserts, especially Kheer.
- Drinking Thai-iced tea in the United States
Learning Enterprises aims to establish connections and relationships beyond the classroom with complete submersion into the rich culture of Thailand through homestay, teaching, and service work. Deven and the rest of the LE Family are dedicated to not only the improvement of English speaking ablities of the Thai people, but also to establishing a love of service in our students. We hope to engage with this beautiful society and tighten Buddha's interconnectedness between ourselves, Thailand, and the world.
i swear if you dont make me peanut butter brownies when we are back at school i might cry. i must try.